On the early evening of Monday, February 11, 2013, my car was broken into in front of a church under a bright street light in New Brunswick. The police were called and a report was filed. Early the next morning, I called Nerger’s to see if they could fix my broken window on the same day. They told me that they could get it fixed in a few hours. Luckily, we had visitors who just drove into town two days before. They were able to help me drive my grandchildren to their school and pick them up while my car was being repaired. However, their daughter had an eye appointment in the afternoon and I had to get my granddaughter to her ballet class by 5:00 p.m. I called them and told them that I needed my car by 5:00 p.m. Mr. Nerger drove my car himself over to my house in time. I drove him back to the shop and paid my bill. I made it on time to my granddaughter’s ballet lesson; however, the job had not been completed due to the rush job. I took my car back the next day to have all the rest of the glass from the broken window cleaned up from the floor of the car and from the cup holders. At first they were a bit confused as to why I was back at Nerger’s the next day, but finally they understood and cleaned up my car of the scattered glass right away. They also checked and filled my windshield fluid at no extra cost. I am very thankful that Nerger’s was able to repair my car in a very timely manner. Sally Henn Razani